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I can’t remember a time when horses, dogs and creating art weren’t part of my life. As a child, I would draw on anything I could get my hands on, If I could find a blank piece of line free card, I was delighted. 


Usually, a horse would emerge, I have no idea where my love of horses came from, no one in my family had any horsey experience. Even at a young age, I was frustrated at not managing to get any of my drawings to look just right. I have been practicing for many years! 


I badgered my poor family so much for a pony, but for many years, the local riding school had to suffice. I have very fond memories of those days. 


It was always expected I would go to art college, as art was always uppermost in my mind at school, however, when a job opportunity came up at a local greetings card manufacturer, I applied and was successful. I spent many happy years self-employed as a commercial artist.


I always had requests to paint for friends, and slowly I found myself enjoying that much more than painting for the card industry. It was far more rewarding, I loved that I could make people happy with their beloved pets captured forever on canvas. It is still one of my favourite things, to see how much a piece of art can touch someone.


I am very fortunate to share our home with my lovely long-suffering husband, four assorted mutts, one grumpy cat, sometimes two grown-up sons too! Outside we have mother and daughter horses, Toots and Tiggy, seven pet sheep ( and counting )


They provide me with endless ideas for paintings if only I had more time in the day!


I am passionate about trying to help make life a bit easier for animals who aren’t so lucky in life.


A few years ago, we adopted Lucy, our beautiful lurcher. The lady who fostered her was involved in fund raising efforts for hounds in need.

I have donated original paintings and prints for their auctions over the years.


The charity which is also close to my heart is ‘Egypt Equine Aid' (find out more about them here) A wonderful, dedicated group of people working tirelessly in the pyramid region of Cairo, where life for their equines is very harsh to say the least.


They hold three auctions a year to help raise much-needed funds. I donate a painting each time, also limited edition prints.

 I am thankful to have lots of fabulous horsey friends and art followers who are very supportive. 

It makes me happy to play a small part in helping this amazing charity. 

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